What’s A CTA?

A CTA is a Call To Action on your website, it tells clients, website visitors what action they should take next on your website and it usually comes in the form of a link or button.

Did you know
70% of Small Business Websites don’t have a Call to Action (CTA) on their homepage. WHAT???!!!

Why is a CTA Important:

  1. IT directs YOUR AUDIENCE - Users/Web Visitors want to know what your website wants them to do.

  2. THEY create A USER LED CUSTOMER / CLIENT JOURNEY! - Most clients/website visitors don’t typically read everything written on a website, but data shows that 90% of web visitors do read CTAs, which increases conversions and directs your web visitors where you want them.

  3. THEY increase CONVERSIONS-They engage and draw your customer/client in and converts them to your goal action.

TNQ Studios talks about CTAs - What's a Call To Action and Why Your Website Needs Them
TNQ Studios talks about CTAs - What's a Call To Action and Why Your Website Needs Them

When thinking about a CTA it’s important to think about:

  1. What is the primary action you want people to take when they get to your website - tell people exactly what you want them to do.

  2. Think about the number of CTAs and the location of them on the homepage.

  3. Do your CTAs standout from the other elements in your homepage, do they draw attention.

  4. Use powerful CTAs that people are familiar with and use action verbs- like “join”, “download”, “apply”, “subscribe”.

For more about CTAs, Web Design and the best platform for YOU, book a discovery call today.

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